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Top 10 Reasons You Should Believe in Ghosts

Top 10 Reasons You Should Believe in Ghosts

Are ghosts real? This is one of the most controversial as well as debatable question that we come across a lot of times. Many of us believe the fact of live after that while on the other hand there are many who do not believe in such unreasonable facts. You all must have heard about various paranormal investigators who try to find the existence of ghosts with the help of technical instruments and actually succeed quite a lot of times.

But I personally believe that there is a lot more to ghosts rather than any spooky story that we come to hear while sitting around a campfire and there are a lot of reasons that can definitely prove the existence of ghosts in reality. So let us show you the top 10 reasons you should believe in Ghosts and not to any unrealistic stories.

Medium ContactTop 10 Reasons You Should Believe in Ghosts
Medium contact has been one of the most used methods to contact with the dead since centuries. It was known as necromancy, but has been considered as a fraud since a long time and which eventually dismissed the existence of ghost concept totally out of hand. However, there are many people out there with some amazing abilities to have certain type of contact with the spirits and dead souls and which have proved this by extracting the correct information from a dead person’s soul and which was only known by the dead person.

OrbsTop 10 Reasons You Should Believe in Ghosts
Orbs basically fall into the category of Photographic evidence of spirits. In the photographs, ghost appears more or less like a normal living person with some degree of transparency and many times fully opaque. These orbs are not present while the photo was taken but appear in the photograph. Of course, these orbs could be formed by a lot of ways like dust particles, flying insects etc. But are these ors an evidence of ghosts? Not possibly but they can reflect a realm parallel to ours which could be leaving a room for things similar to ghosts.

Historical PrecedenceTop 10 Reasons You Should Believe in Ghosts
One could see the stories of Ghosts and spirits and their haunting going back thousands of years. In fact, you can also see them written in ancient Greek and Roman text books. These are writing does not prove anything till we see it on our own but this gives us an idea that we are not the first one to have a hold of such idea and our ancestors must have faced such haunting situations where they must have encountered a ghost.

The Immutability of EnergyTop 10 Reasons You Should Believe in Ghosts
One of the fundamental laws of Physics is that the energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but can change its form from one to another. You must also agree with the fact that the basic essence of a human body which we know as consciousness is eternal too. If it is not housed by any brain then it does not mean that it could not exist in any other form.

We should not forget that two hundred years ago science pooh laid an idea that viruses and bacteria existed and they existed in very large quantity everywhere. Obviously it was foolishness to believe in such statements at that time and believing if things could exist which are not visible to naked eye. But invention of microscope changed all the thoughts and proved this right. So it may be the matter of time when we could invent such devices to scientifically prove the existence of ghosts and spirits.

EyewitnessesTop 10 Reasons You Should Believe in Ghosts
It is really a surprising fact that a lot of people claim that they have encountered or seen a ghost. According to a poll, 25% of Americans claim that they have seen a ghost or spirit in their life. Even if we discard a lot of them as their imaginations, then too these figures have to be taken seriously. A thing which is more compelling is the fact that most of them who saw the ghost didn’t believe in such thing before and didn’t expected to see something like it, and which in turn reduces the chance of their imagination playing trick on their minds.

Electronic DisturbancesTop 10 Reasons You Should Believe in Ghosts
We all know that Ghosts are also a form of energy and it has been found that they have a lot of Electromagnetic disturbance around themselves. So one of the best methods to know their presence is with the help of an EM –Meter that measures the change in Electromagnetic field in the surrounding. However, we know that this electromagnetic energy is put out by a lot of devices and wirings which are going to create energy spikes in the meter from time to time but the interesting part is when these spikes are created with no electronic evidence behind it, something which could not be explained to create the spikes, and may prove a presence of Ghost.

Passive Audio EvidenceTop 10 Reasons You Should Believe in Ghosts
EVP or Electric Voice phenomena are the sounds that are made by entities of other world and which could not be heard by us. These sounds are taped on the recorders which are not heard by normal ears and many times these noises could be a lot more unusual and startling when they are produced by an unknown object and forms complete sensible sentences or words.

Active Audio EvidenceTop 10 Reasons You Should Believe in Ghosts
While EVPs are not heard at the time of their recording, but a lot of people has heard the uncommon noises at places where they were alone or didn’t expect to hear any other sound not created by them. These noises include footsteps, growls, bangs or knocks and many times laughter or singing. Of course, one should be careful to distinguish them from the natural sounds, but these unusual noises are heard in the haunted areas mostly.

Interactive Audio EvidencesTop 10 Reasons You Should Believe in Ghosts
There have been a lot of cases when a person has tried to converse with an unknown entity and the whole conversation has been recorded just like a regular conversation. This conversation basically includes the question asked by investigator and the answers from the unknown entity.

Photographic EvidenceTop 10 Reasons You Should Believe in Ghosts
There are a lot of photographs that act as an evidence of unknown entities that appeared on the photographs when it was developed and were not present at the time of taking the picture. it is true that with the help of Photoshop it is really easy to create a fake picture, but the photographs that were developed long time back when such technology was not present could not be neglected with such accuses. These photos truly show us the presence of ghosts or spirits in real life.

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