Friday , 5 February 2016
Breaking News

Moses Miracle-Jindo Sea Parting: Miracle or Scientific Phenomena?

Moses Miracle came to light after a French ambassador visited Jindo Island, South Korea in the year 1975 and witnessed it.

This was published then in a French newspaper which became popular all over. A land which is 2.8 kilometers long and 40 meters wide appears in Jindo Sea. Millions of tourists visit this place to see and celebrate the festival of Moses

With Tigers….A Prayer was answered!!!

There are millions who surmise and presume in the magic of the Jindo Sea Parting. This is the story of a woman and a tiger; Coast of Jindo holds a testament for the story.

The story goes thousands of years back when tigers were found in large numbers on Jindo Island. People bothered and vexed fled to Modo Island. A woman named Bbyong, accidentally was left behind.

It is believed that her prayers to the god of Ocean, Yongwang, was answered and God in her dream said her that the coming day will bring her rainbow in the Sea to cross the mighty

The very next day the waters have parted tearing the heart of the ocean; there was a path to the island of Modo for the family to cross.

There are vast numbers of believers who visit this place and celebrate the tradition.

Science: Tidal Harmonic

We all are aware of the fact that factors which affects and influence the tidal includes Earth’s rotation cycle and the moon. The varying distances between the moon and the earth are called tidal harmonics. These forces create different gravitational forces which creates regular pattern in the tide.

It is observed as one in case of Jindo Sea, these harmonics forces create harmonic waves which could be extremely high and low. This results in the formation of a ridge which is a deposition of sediment because of repetition of this effect for a long period.

Moses Miracle-Jindo Sea Parting: Miracle or Scientific Phenomena? by

About Satyakam

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