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Top 10 Facts Supporting Existence OF Heaven AND Hell

While majority of atheists believe that the existence of heaven and hell is not provable, basing their arguments on ignorance, I believe that God exists due to my faith, religion and scientific knowledge; and because He does exist, so does Hell and Heaven. Heaven is the home of the righteous whereas Hell is its opposite according to religious teachings; most arguments supporting the evidence of Hell and Heaven are based on religious beliefs. In accordance with Irvine, 1985 atheism is the main reason why a person might doubt the existence of Heaven and Hell. However, there have been scientific claims that hold up the existence of Hell and Heaven. Proving the existence of has become an obsession with most people since time immemorial. Many have worked tirelessly to provide evidence backing up God’s existence. To support why I believe God exists, I present 10 facts Supporting Existence OF Heaven AND Hell

  • In 1989, Dr. Azzacove dug into Hell in Siberia and recorded the cries of damned souls.  They were exposed to extreme heat temperatures, which is the common belief that Hell will have eternal fires. Indeed, this discovery supports that hell does exist.
  • The demonstration of a chemistry student supporting existence of Heaven and  Hell. A chemistry student, in an attempt to explain whether Hell is endothermic or exothermic provided in depth support for his claim. He provided scientific reasoning in his argument which ultimately supported the logic explanation for existence of Hell.
  • In 1725, A professor found sculptures that evidenced God had made them himself. The proof of God’s existence is in line with the existence of Hell and Heaven as both go hand in hand
  • In 18th century, Euler developed a formula to prove God’s existence. Leonhard Euler, a Swiss mathematician and physicist made important discoveries backed with infinitesimal calculus and graph theory proving existence of the heavens and God.
  • In 2007, Scientists backed up proof, supporting that there is no conflict between science and religious faith. The director of the Human Genome Project, which reaffirmed that there was information embedded in the DNA proving the existence of God, which means that both Heaven and Hell exist.
  • In 2013, computer scientists allegedly proved the existence of God. The two scientists behind the theorem for existence of God, Hell and Heaven were Christoph Benz Miller of the Free University in Berlin and his colleague from the Technical University in Vienna, Bruno Woltzen Paleo. They developed the theorem which evidenced the existence of Heaven, supported by the Austrian Mathematician Kurt Gödel.
  • The Master clock of the Universe. In the US there is a master clock; it is in the Naval Observatory in Washington D.C. The Naval Observatory astronomers had for many years, until 1967, observed the motion of the earth relating it to the heavens until they were able to accurately measure time. The study of the heavens was made possible by God because He exists. It is through his perfect nature and accuracy that the Great clock came to be.
  • The First Law of Thermodynamics. It states that matter and energy cannot be created or destroy. This proves that there is no new matter that comes to existence; there is no new energy that is made. Therefore, the divine origin of energy and matter is accredited to God and as such Heaven and Hell exists.
  •    The Second Law of Thermodynamics  This law states that everything moves towards entropy.  Looking at the universe, it must have been wound up, and since the universe is constantly winding down, the second law of thermodynamics thus poses to us a question “who wound it up?’. The answer is simply God. Scientifically, God is the Supreme Being beyond what the human mind can fathom.
  • The Great Proof of Creation Scientifically, creation demands a creator, whether it is energy or matter. Theories such as the law of evolution attempt to explain the origin of life but they are quite of full inconsistence. The law of creation has the upper hand in the logic and scientific proof as opposed to others such as evolution, which try to explain we originated from apes!!

Science states that something exists if there is quantified evidence, spiritual beliefs and entities such as devils, gods, tooth fairies and God cannot exist unless they do so in the imaginations of individuals who favor the religion. Atheist assume that life after death is a trick said to make one think that by believing in God one will go to heaven. There is lack of proof that that is what will happen in actual sense. However, evidence supports that both Heaven and Hell are real. The fact that Hell and Heaven exists all relies on the proof of the existence of God.


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Top 10 Facts Supporting Existence OF Heaven AND Hell

About Satyakam

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